Sustainably Sourced Ethically Grown Packaging FAQ

We added a Sustainably Sourced - Ethically Grown icon on our packaging. To learn more please click here.

“Sustainably Sourced” and “Ethically Grown” for Redpath means that our raw cane sugar comes from suppliers who: 

• respect and work towards the highest environmental, social, and governance standards

• uphold human rights

• have been verified through our rigorous Ethical Sourcing Program.

All of them. New packages will start appearing on shelves in June 2021. After that, we’ll continue to transition to the new designs until, eventually, all Redpath products are clad in our new look.
Yes. As we continue to roll out the new packaging, some of our advertising, emails, website, and more will also focus on sharing our environmental efforts. We’re excited to share it with you in the months to come, so keep your eyes peeled. But, the sugar you know and love will not change.
The majority of our packaging is recyclable, but we continue to investigate ways to improve our efforts across all our packaging. All of our recyclable packages have a How2Recycle logo that indicates as much and instructions on how to recycle. However, please check with your local facilities for proper recycling methods in your area.